The Green Shuttle is Cape Cod’s first and only environmentally responsible car service, offering private shuttles from the Cape to Logan Airport, TF Green, Amtrak Stations, and other points.
It all began as a simple question:
How much emissions could we reduce if all taxis, limos, and car service vehicles were hybrid?
With this simple question, the Green Shuttle has grown to be what it is today: an outstanding service, a tribe of committed drivers and customers, and a healthy business; all while helping to save our planet one green ride at a time.
We are amazed at how much we have grown, and thankful to be in business and to serve all of you. We truly believe that one person can make a difference simply by taking a risk and trusting his or her dreams.
How the Green Shuttle Started (Dean’s Story)

It was a beautiful November day in 2006. The ferry ride from Woods Hole to Vineyard Haven was spectacular with flat seas and a brilliant blue sky. When we arrived in Vineyard Haven I walked across the parking lot to meet my good friend, John. The air was cold, heavy and still. All of the local taxis and shuttle buses were waiting for fares, idling to keep warm. The smell from their exhaust was overwhelming. I turned to my friend John and said,
This is ridiculous. Why aren’t all these cars hybrids? When hybrids idle the engine shuts off and there’s no pollution!
The Vineyard is a pristine and beautiful place. It was (and still is) hard for me to understand why the town tolerates these polluting vehicles.
The very next week we purchased our first green vehicle (a Nissan Altima hybrid) and started The Green Shuttle. Since then we have added several more green cars and are now providing service throughout Cape Cod as well as southeastern Massachusetts and several towns in Rhode Island, including Providence.
When we started, our “green car service” was quite the novelty. Not anymore! If imitation is the highest form of flattery, we feel quite flattered. The conversion to hybrids in car service since we started has been swift. Today I would estimate that as much as 30% of the car services are using hybrids, bio-fuel or flex fuel vehicles. Collectively we are making a difference.
Big talk is good; little deeds are better. Nothing gets done unless something gets done. We can talk about solving global warming, but what if we all just do it?. Since we started the Green Shuttle, we have reduced carbon emissions (as compared to a Lincoln Town Car, the car service standard) by a remarkable 100 metric tons. Just think of the possibilities. If every car service and taxi service in the country (or the world!) converted to alternative fuel vehicles, the difference would be staggering. As an example, if every car in the United States was a Prius, we could eliminate the need for all imported oil.
Thanks to all of you who support us and who choose to travel green. By supporting socially responsible and environmentally committed businesses, you will turn the tide.
Go green, ride happy!
Dean at the Green Shuttle