Do you want to have an impact on your community, earn a living, and have fun? Consider joining our Green Seedling program.
What’s the Green Seedling Program?
The Green Seedling Program is the expansion program of the Green Shuttle. As a Green Seedling you’ll be an independent contractor. You own your vehicle and run the show. You get to use the Green Shuttle brand and you’ll have our support with the startup process, insurance, marketing, and booking.
The Green Shuttle appeals to clients who are environmentally concerned. As a Green Seedling, you will serve this growing market in your area. We exclusively employ hybrid vehicles or larger vehicles running on alternative fuels; presently E85 ethanol. Read more about our vehicles >
Where is the Green Shuttle based?
The business was started on Cape Cod, MA and has grown to service most of Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
What is the Green Shuttle history?
The Green Shuttle was founded in 2006 by Dean Athanas. After a long career at the executive level in manufacturing operations, Dean retired and pursued a lifelong dream: to run his own business. Most importantly, he wanted that business leave the world a better place. Combining his life-long (and seemingly incongruent) passions for cars and the environment, he started the Green Shuttle.
The GS began with one car in 2006 and is now a fleet of several vehicles with an average growth rate of 30% per year. In fact, we exceeded the 30% per year growth plan in the last fiscal year. The Green Shuttle now has a very loyal customer base exceeding 2,000 regulars who “ride happy” on several thousand rides per year. Read more about our story >
Why become a Green Seedling?
With modest capital outlay you can join a winning team. Start with one vehicle. You can simply stay as a one vehicle owner/operator or continue to scale up to become a significant sales revenue business. Either scenario is fine with the Green Shuttle and you will experience no pressure to grow your business.
What direct benefits do Green Seedlings get?
- The reputation and good standing of a well-established and very well-respected business.
- Market analysis support from the Green Shuttle:
- Onsite startup support and assistance:
- Piggybacking on the Green Shuttle insurance policy:
- Use of the Green Shuttle website as the portal to your business
- Use of the Green Shuttle booking engine.
- All seedling dispatching will be handled by the Green Shuttle.
- All run subcontracting will be handled by the Green Shuttle. This allows you to never say no to a potential customer, even if you only have one vehicle.
- Vehicle selection and purchase support
- A complete set of all GS operating procedures and documentation that will be continuously updated via our online library.
- Standardized uniforms. The initial uniform issue is paid for by the Green Shuttle.
- Legacy support.
- You are joining a team with an extraordinary reputation.
How do I become a Green Seedling?
Fill out the form below to request an application and information packet. It’s that simple. It’s easy going green!
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